summer chore list for kids - printable

We are about halfway through summer, and if you aren’t away on holidays, the house chores might be feeling hard to keep up with kids at home! But that doesn’t mean everyone can’t help out!

If your looking to add some structure and learning into your summer, adding some basic summer chores to your kid’s day is a great way to do it.  Chores are routine but also necessary, so the sooner you start them, the better.  With all the routines changing, we’ve put together three simple reasons your kiddos need to help out.

We just launched a summer chore list; you can find it here that can help with this! This is a great way to involve the kiddos and make it fun. Print off, and hang on your fridge or common space to help guide both a daily routine and weekly chores!

Reason #1- Chores build a hard work ethic and important life skills. 

They will help our children grow up to be good employees and be able to take care of themselves when they are on their own.  They learn problem-solving and following through on tasks using time management.

Reason #2- Chores build self-esteem to equip them for life better.

It teaches them to deal with frustration, adversity and gives them confidence.  Once they have finished their chores for the day it gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Reason #3- Giving children chores and routines teaches responsibility and self-reliance.

Chores teach kids to follow through on what they have been asked to do and learn to do it independently. Chores should be a part of being a family, and everyone in the family needs to contribute to the household chores to keep it running smoothly.  It also shows kids how much parents do and the hard work they put in each day, teaching them empathy!

what chores should I task my children with? How Can I engage them?

Choosing how your children will do their chores will depend on their ages and also your lifestyle; each family will be different. It’s good to set clear and reasonable expectations with children, so follow along with our easy-to-use printable chore chart for kids this summer!

Rewards are also a great way to make this a fun and positive experience. Some people like doing a sticker chart and getting a treat once a week for doing a good job.


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