Getting back to school prepped

It’s the final countdown. We are entering the last weekend before class is back in session, and for some, that brings on the September Scaries. We feel you and we see you.

That’s why we’ve put together our top five ways to get ready for the back-to-school grind. Check them out!

#1 - Closet Cleanout

This is a perfect time to purge. Try on clothes and shoes that may be too small, and get rid of anything that is worn out and full of holes.  Make an inventory of what they will need for back-to-school shopping. ProTip: Buy a hanging organizer for the closet with five slots and pre-plan your child’s outfits at the beginning of the week. Don’t forget about the shoes! All old shoes and clothes can go to younger siblings, consignment stores or second-hand stores.

#2 - Clean out your fridge and pantry

It’s time to get organized for lunches and back-to-school snacks and systems.  Bins and labels all the way so the kids can help make lunches and get their own breakfast.

#3 - Clean out the mudroom and entranceway closet.

This is a MUST to start the new school year off right. Take everything out, purge and toss anything you won’t need or use. New backpacks and lunch kits all need a place to go. Ensure coats fit still, purchase bins, and label for school work for each child—bins for shoes or cubbies.

#4 - books and homework station

New year, new age…some books may be over or too young for them and can go on to a younger sibling or a child needing a new read. This will help make room for the new ones you know will accumulate this year.

If you have a homework station or area, go through that and tidy it.  Check all the felt pens and highlighters, toss old broken erasers, and make a list to purchase new stationery.

#5 - deep clean

We don’t expect you to get all these done before the first day, but a good deep clean once the kids return to school and know your house will stay clean and tidy for more than an hour feels so good!!! Make sure to check out our fall deep clean printable (coming soon) or book us in ASAP for that deep clean.

We hope this helps give you a good fresh start before heading into the crazy that is September!


how to make your home cozy for fall


summer chore list for kids - printable